
Cyrus Vahidi#

Cyrus Vahidi

Cyrus Vahidi is a PhD researcher at the UKRI CDT in Artificial Intelligence and Music at the Centre for Digital Music, London and computer science graduate from Imperial College London. His research covers computational representations of auditory perception in machine listening and computer music. He is a core contributor to Kymatio, the open-source package for wavelet scattering. Previously, he was a visiting researcher at LS2N (CNRS, France) and worked on MIR/ML in ByteDance’s SAMI group. He is the founder of Sonophase AI and performs experimental electronic music with Max/MSP and modular synthesis.


Christopher Mitcheltree#

Chirstopher Mitcheltree

Christopher Mitcheltree is a PhD researcher at the UKRI CDT in Artificial Intelligence and Music at the Centre for Digital Music, London. He researches time-varying parameters and modulations of synthesizers / audio effects and is a founding developer of Neutone, an open-source neural audio plugin, SDK, and community. In the past, he has worked on machine learning and art projects at a variety of different companies and institutions including Adobe, Google, Airbnb, AI2, and Qosmo.


Vincent Lostanlen#

Vincent Lostanlen

Dr. Vincent Lostanlen obtained his PhD in 2017 from École normale supérieure, under the supervision of Stéphane Mallat. Since then, he is a scientist (chargé de recherche) at CNRS and a visiting scholar at New York University. He is a founding member of the Kymatio consortium.
